For all Dutch readers interested in the SQL model clause (I wonder how selective those two predicates are ...): the last part of the SQL Model Clause Tutorial is published in the winter edition 2008 of OGh Visie. The subject is "Practicalities of the SQL Model Clause" and it tries to answer the question for which kind of problems a model clause query is best applied.
For all non Dutch readers interested in the SQL model clause: a translation of this article will appear on this blog very soon.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Article in OGh Visie
Posted by
Rob van Wijk
5:32 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Plan a schedule with the SQL model clause
My DBA colleague Ronald Rood asked an interesting question on OTN's SQL and PL/SQL forum. I'll repeat the question here. First the setup of the table:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> create table sschedule (
2 item varchar2(10)
3 , days varchar2(30)
4 , fixed_start_time varchar2(5)
5 , minutes number
6 )
7 /
Tabel is aangemaakt.
rwijk@ORA11GR1> insert into sschedule (item,days, fixed_start_time, minutes)
2 select 'lunch', 'mon,tue,wed,thu,fri','12:00',60 from dual union all
3 select 'a', 'tue,fri','10:00',60 from dual union all
4 select 'b', 'mon,wed',null, 120 from dual union all
5 select 'opening','mon,tue,wed,thu,fri','08:55', 5 from dual union all
6 select 'close','mon,tue,wed,thu','20:00', 5 from dual union all
7 select 'close','fri','16:00', 5 from dual union all
8 select 'c', 'mon,wed,fri',null, 20 from dual union all
9 select 'd', 'mon,wed,fri',null, 20 from dual union all
10 select 'diner','mon,tue,wed,thu','18:00', 60 from dual union all
11 select 'e','tue,thu,fri',null, 40 from dual union all
12 select 'keynote', 'mon','09:00', 120 from dual union all
13 select 'bye', 'fri','14:00', 120 from dual union all
14 select 'f','tue,thu,fri',null, 40 from dual union all
15 select 'g', 'mon,wed',null, 120 from dual
16 /
14 rijen zijn aangemaakt.
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select * from sschedule
2 /
---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------
lunch mon,tue,wed,thu,fri 12:00 60
a tue,fri 10:00 60
b mon,wed 120
opening mon,tue,wed,thu,fri 08:55 5
close mon,tue,wed,thu 20:00 5
close fri 16:00 5
c mon,wed,fri 20
d mon,wed,fri 20
diner mon,tue,wed,thu 18:00 60
e tue,thu,fri 40
keynote mon 09:00 120
bye fri 14:00 120
f tue,thu,fri 40
g mon,wed 120
14 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
And the accompanying question:
"I have a table that contains a list of items that are to be discussed in a meeting, all taking place in the same room. For some meetings a guest speaker is invited, those meetings have a fixed start time. All meetings have a fixed duration in minutes. The days all start with opening and end with close. How can we generate the start times of the items that have no fixed start time set?
for friday this gives:ITEM FIXED MINUTES
------- ----- -------
opening 08:55 5
a 10:00 60
lunch 12:00 60
bye 14:00 120
close 16:00 5
c 20
d 20
e 40
f 40
e can start at 09:00 to fill the gap between opening and a.
c can start at 09:40 to fill the gap between e and a.
f can start at 11:00 to fill the gap between a and lunch.
d can start at 11:40 to fill the gap between f and lunch.
more combinations are very legal, as long as the fixed_start_times are honoured.
How can this list be generated in 1 sql?
When a day becomes overbooked the items that fall must get something like 'does not fit' to signal it's too busy that day."
In real life I would never implement a SQL only solution for such a problem, because the resulting SQL will be quite hard to maintain, even when properly documented. But it sure is fun to do it using only SQL.
If you clicked the link in the beginning of the post, you might have seen a solution already. In this post I will try to explain how I solved this problem which may look very difficult at first. I think it demonstrates the power of the SQL model clause very well.
The first thing to do here, is to normalize the table, by splitting the comma separated string into separate rows, one row for each day. Without such a normalized set, a solution would be much harder. To split the string into several rows, I use the technique that resembles the one described in this post, particularly the SQL model clause variant. This query does this part of the job:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select item
2 , cast(days as varchar2(3)) day
3 , to_date(fixed_start_time,'hh24:mi') start_time
4 , minutes
5 , to_date(fixed_start_time,'hh24:mi')
6 + numtodsinterval(minutes,'minute') end_time
7 from sschedule
8 model
9 return updated rows
10 partition by (item,fixed_start_time,minutes)
11 dimension by (0 i)
12 measures (days)
13 ( days [for i from 1 to regexp_count(days[0],',') + 1 increment 1]
14 = regexp_substr(days[0],'[^,]+',1,cv(i))
15 )
16 order by decode(day,'mon',1,'tue',2,'wed',3,'thu',4,'fri',5)
17 , start_time
18 /
---------- --- ------------------- ---------- -------------------
opening mon 01-12-2008 08:55:00 5 01-12-2008 09:00:00
keynote mon 01-12-2008 09:00:00 120 01-12-2008 11:00:00
lunch mon 01-12-2008 12:00:00 60 01-12-2008 13:00:00
diner mon 01-12-2008 18:00:00 60 01-12-2008 19:00:00
close mon 01-12-2008 20:00:00 5 01-12-2008 20:05:00
b mon 120
d mon 20
c mon 20
g mon 120
opening tue 01-12-2008 08:55:00 5 01-12-2008 09:00:00
a tue 01-12-2008 10:00:00 60 01-12-2008 11:00:00
lunch tue 01-12-2008 12:00:00 60 01-12-2008 13:00:00
diner tue 01-12-2008 18:00:00 60 01-12-2008 19:00:00
close tue 01-12-2008 20:00:00 5 01-12-2008 20:05:00
f tue 40
e tue 40
opening wed 01-12-2008 08:55:00 5 01-12-2008 09:00:00
lunch wed 01-12-2008 12:00:00 60 01-12-2008 13:00:00
diner wed 01-12-2008 18:00:00 60 01-12-2008 19:00:00
close wed 01-12-2008 20:00:00 5 01-12-2008 20:05:00
b wed 120
g wed 120
d wed 20
c wed 20
opening thu 01-12-2008 08:55:00 5 01-12-2008 09:00:00
lunch thu 01-12-2008 12:00:00 60 01-12-2008 13:00:00
diner thu 01-12-2008 18:00:00 60 01-12-2008 19:00:00
close thu 01-12-2008 20:00:00 5 01-12-2008 20:05:00
e thu 40
f thu 40
opening fri 01-12-2008 08:55:00 5 01-12-2008 09:00:00
a fri 01-12-2008 10:00:00 60 01-12-2008 11:00:00
lunch fri 01-12-2008 12:00:00 60 01-12-2008 13:00:00
bye fri 01-12-2008 14:00:00 120 01-12-2008 16:00:00
close fri 01-12-2008 16:00:00 5 01-12-2008 16:05:00
c fri 20
d fri 20
e fri 40
f fri 40
39 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
This query puts every row in its own partition, and indexes this row with dimension i set to 0. These rows are the original ones, which we won't return, because of the use of the keyword RETURN UPDATED ROWS. The model creates new cells with dimension values from 1 and upwards. In each partition the number of commas is calculated with regexp_count(days[0],','). The number of commas plus one is the number of rows that have to be generated. For each new row, regexp_substr(days[0],'[^,]+',1,cv(i)) gives the cv(i)-th element in the string.
The less trickier part of the query is to change some datatypes: days is set to varchar2(3) for a prettier layout only, and the start_time and end_time should be dates for easier calculating. You see that a default date is chosen, being the first day of the current month. This part of the date is irrelevant. Using intervals (numtodsinterval) I can now easily add the number of minutes with the start_time to calculate the end_time.
This was the easy part :-). Next challenge is to process all rows with an empty start_time and allocate a time slot to them. The question does not describe an algorithm how to do this, so I choose an easy one: process all rows with an empty start time and start with the longest one. For each of these rows, assign the row to the largest gap in time, at the beginning of the interval. A few challenges here: determining the gaps, adjusting the gaps after an item has been assigned in a gap and detecting when an item doesn't fit in any gap.
For these challenges I put up another model, partitioned by day. The rows inside each partition are indexed by a number with the row_number analytic function, the rows with an empty start_time first. Like this I have a nice dimension I can iterate over AND I can use the UNTIL clause to only iterate over the ones with a empty start_time. For this I have to introduce the cnt measure, that counts the number of empty start_times in a partition. So in each partition there will be as many iterations as there are cells with empty start_times.
Let's first show the resulting query and then explain what's going on:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> with schedule_normalized as
2 ( select item
3 , cast(days as varchar2(3)) day
4 , to_date(fixed_start_time,'hh24:mi') start_time
5 , minutes
6 , to_date(fixed_start_time,'hh24:mi')
7 + numtodsinterval(minutes,'minute') end_time
8 from sschedule
9 model
10 return updated rows
11 partition by (item,fixed_start_time,minutes)
12 dimension by (0 i)
13 measures (days)
14 ( days [for i from 1 to regexp_count(days[0],',') + 1 increment 1]
15 = regexp_substr(days[0],'[^,]+',1,cv(i))
16 )
17 )
18 select item
19 , day
20 , to_char(st,'hh24:mi') start_time
21 , to_char(et,'hh24:mi') end_time
22 , minutes
23 , fit
24 from schedule_normalized
25 model
26 partition by (day)
27 dimension by
28 ( row_number() over
29 (partition by day order by start_time nulls first, minutes desc) rn
30 )
31 measures
32 ( item
33 , start_time st
34 , minutes
35 , end_time et
36 , lead(start_time) over
37 (partition by day order by start_time) next_start_time
38 , count(nvl2(start_time,null,1)) over (partition by day) cnt
39 , 0 rn_with_largest_gap
40 , row_number() over
41 (partition by day order by start_time nulls first, minutes desc) rnm
42 , cast(null as varchar2(11)) fit
43 )
44 rules iterate(1000) until (iteration_number + 1 = cnt[1])
45 ( rn_with_largest_gap[1]
46 = max(rnm) keep
47 (dense_rank last order by next_start_time - et nulls first)[any]
48 , fit[iteration_number+1]
49 = case
50 when max(next_start_time - et)[any]
51 < minutes[iteration_number+1]/24/60
52 then 'doesn''t fit'
53 end
54 , st[iteration_number+1]
55 = case
56 when fit[iteration_number+1] is null
57 then et[rn_with_largest_gap[1]]
58 end
59 , et[iteration_number+1]
60 = case
61 when fit[iteration_number+1] is null
62 then et[rn_with_largest_gap[1]]
63 + numtodsinterval(minutes[iteration_number+1],'minute')
64 end
65 , next_start_time[iteration_number+1]
66 = case
67 when fit[iteration_number+1] is null
68 then next_start_time[rn_with_largest_gap[1]]
69 end
70 , next_start_time[rn_with_largest_gap[1]]
71 = case
72 when fit[iteration_number+1] is not null
73 then next_start_time[rn_with_largest_gap[1]]
74 end
75 )
76 order by decode(day,'mon',1,'tue',2,'wed',3,'thu',4,'fri',5)
77 , start_time
78 /
---------- --- ----- ----- ---------- -----------
opening mon 08:55 09:00 5
keynote mon 09:00 11:00 120
d mon 11:00 11:20 20
lunch mon 12:00 13:00 60
g mon 13:00 15:00 120
b mon 15:00 17:00 120
diner mon 18:00 19:00 60
c mon 19:00 19:20 20
close mon 20:00 20:05 5
opening tue 08:55 09:00 5
a tue 10:00 11:00 60
lunch tue 12:00 13:00 60
f tue 13:00 13:40 40
e tue 13:40 14:20 40
diner tue 18:00 19:00 60
close tue 20:00 20:05 5
opening wed 08:55 09:00 5
g wed 09:00 11:00 120
lunch wed 12:00 13:00 60
b wed 13:00 15:00 120
d wed 15:00 15:20 20
c wed 15:20 15:40 20
diner wed 18:00 19:00 60
close wed 20:00 20:05 5
opening thu 08:55 09:00 5
lunch thu 12:00 13:00 60
e thu 13:00 13:40 40
f thu 13:40 14:20 40
diner thu 18:00 19:00 60
close thu 20:00 20:05 5
opening fri 08:55 09:00 5
d fri 09:00 09:20 20
c fri 09:20 09:40 20
a fri 10:00 11:00 60
f fri 11:00 11:40 40
lunch fri 12:00 13:00 60
e fri 13:00 13:40 40
bye fri 14:00 16:00 120
close fri 16:00 16:05 5
39 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
In the with clause you see the normalized query discussed earlier. The part I'm discussing here, starts at line 18. For each iteration I have to choose which of the rows has the largest open time slot attached at the end. For this the auxiliary measure next_start_time is introduced, calculated with the lead analytic function. The index of the row with the largest open time slot is stored in the auxiliary measure rn_with_largest_gap. Each iteration starts with calculating this value again. All subsequent rules of the models use this rn_with_largest_gap measure. Rules 3 and 4 calculate the start_time and end_time of the rows that started out with an empty start_time. The last two rules adjust the next_start_time measures to the new situation: since the new allocated time slot is adjacent to the existing time slot, the next_start_time of the original one is set to null, and the next_start_time of the new time slot is the original next_start_time.
Last part of the solution is to addition of the fit measure. With this measure and the second rule, I can check whether the largest open time slot is large enough for the item. If it is not large enough, I put in a text "doesn't fit" in this cell. All subsequent rules effectively do nothing when a non null value is encountered in this cell. With the current data, everything fits, but if you click on the link to the original question, you'll see a situation where two rows don't fit.
If you have not given up and have read up through here, you maybe agree with me that this is another nice example of a complex algorithm that can be solved with only SQL. Although in this category, nothing beats this one of course. But remember kids: don't try this at work ;-)
Posted by
Rob van Wijk
12:27 PM
Friday, December 5, 2008
In this AMIS-post, Lucas Jellema was looking for a way to duplicate certain grouping sets for his ADF tree structure. Using ROLLUP this is not completely possible, but with GROUPING SETS it is, as I will show below. It was a small challenge however to distinguish the duplicate sets from each other in the select list and this is where I learned something new.
For example, let's start with this query:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select deptno
2 , job
3 , empno
4 , ename
5 , sum(sal) sumsal
6 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
7 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
8 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
9 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno'
10 when 7 then 'grouped by ()'
11 end gr_text
12 from emp
13 group by rollup(deptno,job,(empno,ename))
14 order by deptno
15 , job
16 , empno
17 /
------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------------------------------
10 CLERK 7934 MILLER 1300 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 CLERK 1300 grouped by deptno,job
10 MANAGER 7782 CLARK 2450 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 MANAGER 2450 grouped by deptno,job
10 PRESIDENT 7839 KING 5000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 PRESIDENT 5000 grouped by deptno,job
10 8750 grouped by deptno
20 ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 7902 FORD 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 6000 grouped by deptno,job
20 CLERK 7369 SMITH 800 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 7876 ADAMS 1100 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 1900 grouped by deptno,job
20 MANAGER 7566 JONES 2975 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 MANAGER 2975 grouped by deptno,job
20 10875 grouped by deptno
30 CLERK 7900 JAMES 950 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 CLERK 950 grouped by deptno,job
30 MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 2850 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 MANAGER 2850 grouped by deptno,job
30 SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 1600 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7521 WARD 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 1500 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 5600 grouped by deptno,job
30 9400 grouped by deptno
29025 grouped by ()
27 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
A rollup with N arguments always leads to N+1 grouping sets. So here the rollup has 3 arguments and you can see 4 distinct values in the last gr_text column.
Now let's say we want the grouping sets () and deptno duplicated, leading to 4 extra rows. With rollup you can specify deptno twice:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select deptno
2 , job
3 , empno
4 , ename
5 , sum(sal) sumsal
6 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
7 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
8 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
9 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno'
10 when 7 then 'grouped by ()'
11 end gr_text
12 from emp
13 group by rollup(deptno,deptno,job,(empno,ename))
14 order by deptno
15 , job
16 , empno
17 /
------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------------------------------
10 CLERK 7934 MILLER 1300 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 CLERK 1300 grouped by deptno,job
10 MANAGER 7782 CLARK 2450 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 MANAGER 2450 grouped by deptno,job
10 PRESIDENT 7839 KING 5000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 PRESIDENT 5000 grouped by deptno,job
10 8750 grouped by deptno
10 8750 grouped by deptno
20 ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 7902 FORD 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 6000 grouped by deptno,job
20 CLERK 7369 SMITH 800 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 7876 ADAMS 1100 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 1900 grouped by deptno,job
20 MANAGER 7566 JONES 2975 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 MANAGER 2975 grouped by deptno,job
20 10875 grouped by deptno
20 10875 grouped by deptno
30 CLERK 7900 JAMES 950 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 CLERK 950 grouped by deptno,job
30 MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 2850 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 MANAGER 2850 grouped by deptno,job
30 SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 1600 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7521 WARD 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 1500 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 5600 grouped by deptno,job
30 9400 grouped by deptno
30 9400 grouped by deptno
29025 grouped by ()
30 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
But there is no way to specify the empty grouping set, as it is implicit with the rollup operator. And so it's also impossible to duplicate this empty grouping set with rollup. It is possible though with the grouping sets notation. First, let's rewrite the original rollup expression to the more tedious but clearer grouping sets notation, like this:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select deptno
2 , job
3 , empno
4 , ename
5 , sum(sal) sumsal
6 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
7 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
8 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
9 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno'
10 when 7 then 'grouped by ()'
11 end gr_text
12 from emp
13 group by grouping sets
14 ( (deptno,job,empno,ename)
15 , (deptno,job)
16 , deptno
17 , ()
18 )
19 order by deptno
20 , job
21 , empno
22 /
------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------------------------------
10 CLERK 7934 MILLER 1300 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 CLERK 1300 grouped by deptno,job
10 MANAGER 7782 CLARK 2450 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 MANAGER 2450 grouped by deptno,job
10 PRESIDENT 7839 KING 5000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 PRESIDENT 5000 grouped by deptno,job
10 8750 grouped by deptno
20 ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 7902 FORD 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 6000 grouped by deptno,job
20 CLERK 7369 SMITH 800 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 7876 ADAMS 1100 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 1900 grouped by deptno,job
20 MANAGER 7566 JONES 2975 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 MANAGER 2975 grouped by deptno,job
20 10875 grouped by deptno
30 CLERK 7900 JAMES 950 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 CLERK 950 grouped by deptno,job
30 MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 2850 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 MANAGER 2850 grouped by deptno,job
30 SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 1600 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7521 WARD 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 1500 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 5600 grouped by deptno,job
30 9400 grouped by deptno
29025 grouped by ()
27 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
then it becomes very easy to duplicate the deptno and the empty grouping set. Just duplicate them in your grouping sets list of arguments:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select deptno
2 , job
3 , empno
4 , ename
5 , sum(sal) sumsal
6 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
7 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
8 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
9 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno'
10 when 7 then 'grouped by ()'
11 end gr_text
12 from emp
13 group by grouping sets
14 ( (deptno,job,empno,ename)
15 , (deptno,job)
16 , deptno
17 , deptno
18 , ()
19 , ()
20 )
21 order by deptno
22 , job
23 , empno
24 /
------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------------------------------
10 CLERK 7934 MILLER 1300 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 CLERK 1300 grouped by deptno,job
10 MANAGER 7782 CLARK 2450 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 MANAGER 2450 grouped by deptno,job
10 PRESIDENT 7839 KING 5000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 PRESIDENT 5000 grouped by deptno,job
10 8750 grouped by deptno
10 8750 grouped by deptno
20 ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 7902 FORD 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 6000 grouped by deptno,job
20 CLERK 7369 SMITH 800 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 7876 ADAMS 1100 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 1900 grouped by deptno,job
20 MANAGER 7566 JONES 2975 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 MANAGER 2975 grouped by deptno,job
20 10875 grouped by deptno
20 10875 grouped by deptno
30 CLERK 7900 JAMES 950 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 CLERK 950 grouped by deptno,job
30 MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 2850 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 MANAGER 2850 grouped by deptno,job
30 SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 1600 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7521 WARD 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 1500 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 5600 grouped by deptno,job
30 9400 grouped by deptno
30 9400 grouped by deptno
29025 grouped by ()
29025 grouped by ()
31 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
Now my question was: how can I distinguish between the two equal grouping sets in my select list? Not with GROUPING_ID, because I'd have to mention the columns on which were grouped, not the grouping set. A grouping_id(deptno) would yield to 1 in both deptno grouping sets.
Using the row_number analytic function and including all columns present in a grouping set in the partition by clause, was what I thought of next. This would accomplish a "1" for all singular grouping sets, and an arbitrary 1 and 2 within the duplicate grouping sets, like this:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select deptno
2 , job
3 , empno
4 , ename
5 , sum(sal) sumsal
6 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
7 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
8 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
9 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno, grouping set ' ||
10 to_char(2+row_number() over
(partition by deptno,job,empno order by null))
11 when 7 then 'grouped by (), grouping set ' ||
12 to_char(4+row_number() over
(partition by deptno,job,empno order by null))
13 end gr_text
14 from emp
15 group by grouping sets
16 ( (deptno,job,empno,ename)
17 , (deptno,job)
18 , deptno
19 , deptno
20 , ()
21 , ()
22 )
23 order by deptno
24 , job
25 , empno
26 /
------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------------------------------
10 CLERK 7934 MILLER 1300 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 CLERK 1300 grouped by deptno,job
10 MANAGER 7782 CLARK 2450 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 MANAGER 2450 grouped by deptno,job
10 PRESIDENT 7839 KING 5000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 PRESIDENT 5000 grouped by deptno,job
10 8750 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
10 8750 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
20 ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 7902 FORD 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 6000 grouped by deptno,job
20 CLERK 7369 SMITH 800 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 7876 ADAMS 1100 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 1900 grouped by deptno,job
20 MANAGER 7566 JONES 2975 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 MANAGER 2975 grouped by deptno,job
20 10875 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
20 10875 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
30 CLERK 7900 JAMES 950 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 CLERK 950 grouped by deptno,job
30 MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 2850 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 MANAGER 2850 grouped by deptno,job
30 SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 1600 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7521 WARD 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 1500 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 5600 grouped by deptno,job
30 9400 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
30 9400 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
29025 grouped by (), grouping set 5
29025 grouped by (), grouping set 6
31 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
The problem is the ordering. There is nothing to order by, so I chose NULL. Any other constant value would have sufficed as well. But this ordering is arbitrary, meaning that two rows can both be 1 and can both be 2. And some implementation detail of Oracle has to decide which one it's going to be. And if I use the row_number function twice, would both expressions give the same results? It depends on the same implementation, so yes, both expressions give the same results:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
2 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
3 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
4 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno, grouping set ' ||
5 to_char(2+row_number() over
(partition by deptno,job,empno order by null))
6 when 7 then 'grouped by (), grouping set ' ||
7 to_char(4+row_number() over
(partition by deptno,job,empno order by null))
8 end gr_text
9 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
10 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
11 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
12 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno, grouping set ' ||
13 to_char(2+row_number() over
(partition by deptno,job,empno order by null))
14 when 7 then 'grouped by (), grouping set ' ||
15 to_char(4+row_number() over
(partition by deptno,job,empno order by null))
16 end gr_text2
17 from emp
18 group by grouping sets
19 ( (deptno,job,empno,ename)
20 , (deptno,job)
21 , deptno
22 , deptno
23 , ()
24 , ()
25 )
26 order by deptno
27 , job
28 , empno
29 /
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno, grouping set 3 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
grouped by deptno, grouping set 4 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno, grouping set 3 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
grouped by deptno, grouping set 4 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
grouped by deptno,job grouped by deptno,job
grouped by deptno, grouping set 3 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
grouped by deptno, grouping set 4 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
grouped by (), grouping set 5 grouped by (), grouping set 5
grouped by (), grouping set 6 grouped by (), grouping set 6
31 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
But still I felt uncomfortable with this solution. I was pressing the Previous and Next buttons in the SQL Reference Manual to find any related functions and saw the GROUP_ID function. "This has got to be the most useless function ever" must have been my thoughts when I read about this function years ago. In fact, I had completely forgotten about it. But it's entire reason for being is a case like this with duplicate grouping sets, to be able to distinguish between the sets:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select deptno
2 , job
3 , empno
4 , ename
5 , sum(sal) sumsal
6 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
7 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
8 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
9 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno'
10 when 7 then 'grouped by ()'
11 end gr_text
12 , group_id() grid
13 from emp
14 group by grouping sets
15 ( (deptno,job,empno,ename)
16 , (deptno,job)
17 , deptno
18 , deptno
19 , ()
20 , ()
21 , ()
22 , ()
23 , ()
24 )
25 order by deptno
26 , job
27 , empno
28 /
------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ --------------------------------- ----
10 CLERK 7934 MILLER 1300 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
10 CLERK 1300 grouped by deptno,job 0
10 MANAGER 7782 CLARK 2450 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
10 MANAGER 2450 grouped by deptno,job 0
10 PRESIDENT 7839 KING 5000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
10 PRESIDENT 5000 grouped by deptno,job 0
10 8750 grouped by deptno 1
10 8750 grouped by deptno 0
20 ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
20 ANALYST 7902 FORD 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
20 ANALYST 6000 grouped by deptno,job 0
20 CLERK 7369 SMITH 800 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
20 CLERK 7876 ADAMS 1100 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
20 CLERK 1900 grouped by deptno,job 0
20 MANAGER 7566 JONES 2975 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
20 MANAGER 2975 grouped by deptno,job 0
20 10875 grouped by deptno 1
20 10875 grouped by deptno 0
30 CLERK 7900 JAMES 950 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
30 CLERK 950 grouped by deptno,job 0
30 MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 2850 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
30 MANAGER 2850 grouped by deptno,job 0
30 SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 1600 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
30 SALESMAN 7521 WARD 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
30 SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
30 SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 1500 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename 0
30 SALESMAN 5600 grouped by deptno,job 0
30 9400 grouped by deptno 0
30 9400 grouped by deptno 1
29025 grouped by () 2
29025 grouped by () 3
29025 grouped by () 4
29025 grouped by () 0
29025 grouped by () 1
34 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
Here I have duplicated the empty grouping set 4 times and you see the outcome of the GROUP_ID() function for those five sets ranging from 0 to 4. This is exactly what is needed here, so now the initial query is quite easy, like this:
rwijk@ORA11GR1> select deptno
2 , job
3 , empno
4 , ename
5 , sum(sal) sumsal
6 , case grouping_id(deptno,job,empno)
7 when 0 then 'grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename'
8 when 1 then 'grouped by deptno,job'
9 when 3 then 'grouped by deptno, grouping set ' || to_char(3+group_id())
10 when 7 then 'grouped by (), grouping set ' || to_char(5+group_id())
11 end gr_text
12 from emp
13 group by grouping sets
14 ( (deptno,job,empno,ename)
15 , (deptno,job)
16 , deptno
17 , deptno
18 , ()
19 , ()
20 )
21 order by deptno
22 , job
23 , empno
24 /
------ --------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------------------------------
10 CLERK 7934 MILLER 1300 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 CLERK 1300 grouped by deptno,job
10 MANAGER 7782 CLARK 2450 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 MANAGER 2450 grouped by deptno,job
10 PRESIDENT 7839 KING 5000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
10 PRESIDENT 5000 grouped by deptno,job
10 8750 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
10 8750 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
20 ANALYST 7788 SCOTT 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 7902 FORD 3000 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 ANALYST 6000 grouped by deptno,job
20 CLERK 7369 SMITH 800 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 7876 ADAMS 1100 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 CLERK 1900 grouped by deptno,job
20 MANAGER 7566 JONES 2975 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
20 MANAGER 2975 grouped by deptno,job
20 10875 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
20 10875 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
30 CLERK 7900 JAMES 950 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 CLERK 950 grouped by deptno,job
30 MANAGER 7698 BLAKE 2850 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 MANAGER 2850 grouped by deptno,job
30 SALESMAN 7499 ALLEN 1600 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7521 WARD 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7654 MARTIN 1250 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 7844 TURNER 1500 grouped by deptno,job,empno,ename
30 SALESMAN 5600 grouped by deptno,job
30 9400 grouped by deptno, grouping set 3
30 9400 grouped by deptno, grouping set 4
29025 grouped by (), grouping set 5
29025 grouped by (), grouping set 6
31 rijen zijn geselecteerd.
Posted by
Rob van Wijk
3:44 PM
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