SQL> create table tradevolumes
2 ( timeseries_id number(4)
3 , tradedate date
4 , source_id number(4)
5 , volume number(4)
6 , constraint tradevolumes_pk primary key (timeseries_id,tradedate,source_id)
7 ) organization index
8 /
Table created.
An index organized table, which we fill with some data: 2 timeseries from 3 sources, and 108 five-minute-periods:
SQL> insert into tradevolumes
2 select 1 + mod(level-1,2)
3 , trunc(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(5*mod(trunc((level-1)/2),108),'minute')
4 , ceil(level/(2 * 108))
5 , ceil(dbms_random.value(0,1000))
6 from dual
7 connect by level <= 2 * 108 * 3
8 /
648 rows created.
A common problem for timeseries data is missing data. I'll simulate that by deleting several rows:
SQL> delete tradevolumes
2 where ( tradedate
3 between trunc(sysdate) + interval '35' minute
4 and trunc(sysdate) + interval '50' minute
5 or (timeseries_id = 1 and source_id = 3 and volume < 30)
6 or (timeseries_id = 2 and source_id = 2 and tradedate > trunc(sysdate) + interval '20' minute)
7 )
8 /
127 rows deleted.
And now gather some basic statistics for the table:
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'tradevolumes')
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
To get an idea of the data that is now in the table:
SQL> select *
2 from tradevolumes
3 order by timeseries_id
4 , tradedate
5 , source_id
6 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 223
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 975
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 173
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 794
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 17
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 468
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 552
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 979
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 84
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 73
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 710
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 54
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 271
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2 643
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 443
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 408
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2 526
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 725
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 13
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2 943
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 319
... skipped a lot of rows here ...
1 12-07-2011 08:50:00 1 239
1 12-07-2011 08:50:00 2 502
1 12-07-2011 08:50:00 3 297
1 12-07-2011 08:55:00 1 620
1 12-07-2011 08:55:00 2 531
1 12-07-2011 08:55:00 3 377
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 920
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 827
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 395
... skipped a lot of rows here ...
2 12-07-2011 08:45:00 1 495
2 12-07-2011 08:45:00 3 519
2 12-07-2011 08:50:00 1 556
2 12-07-2011 08:50:00 3 193
2 12-07-2011 08:55:00 1 368
2 12-07-2011 08:55:00 3 18
521 rows selected.
To show how a partitioned outer join works, my plan is to add all missing key combinations to the result set for the first hour. So the query only uses the times between 0:00 to 0:55 and we'll ignore the rows between 1:00 and 8:55. This is the data for the first hour:
SQL> select *
2 from tradevolumes
3 where tradedate between trunc(sysdate) and trunc(sysdate) + interval '55' minute
4 order by timeseries_id
5 , tradedate
6 , source_id
7 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 223
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 975
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 173
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 794
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 17
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 468
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 552
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 979
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 84
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 73
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 710
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 54
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 271
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2 643
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 443
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 408
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2 526
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 725
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 13
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2 943
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 319
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 920
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 827
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 395
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 534
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 156
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 2
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 642
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 278
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 76
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 472
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 210
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 549
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 349
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 332
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 371
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 396
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 408
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 818
45 rows selected.
The 12 five-minute-periods should be present for the 2 timeseries and 3 sources, so we need 72 rows. Now watch the bug with a standard partitioned outer join:
SQL> with all_tradedates as
2 ( select trunc(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(5*(level-1),'minute') tradedate
3 from dual
4 connect by level <= 12
5 )
6 select v.timeseries_id
7 , a.tradedate
8 , v.source_id
9 , v.volume
10 from all_tradedates a
11 left outer join tradevolumes v
12 partition by (v.timeseries_id,v.source_id)
13 on (a.tradedate = v.tradedate)
14 order by v.timeseries_id
15 , a.tradedate
16 , v.source_id
17 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3 307
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 400
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2 265
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 307
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3 959
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 778
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2 302
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 959
72 rows selected.
The query returns 72 rows as expected, but look at the volume column. When you make up new rows, those new rows should have a null value. And there's more: the rows that existed and weren't made up, now have a volume equaling the volume of "00:00:00" and not their own value...
You might ask: why did you create 108 rows? That's because I've found that when you use 107 rows or less, the bug doesn't appear. With 108 rows or more it creeps up. Here is the same sequence with a table containing 107 rows:
SQL> drop table tradevolumes purge
2 /
Table dropped.
SQL> create table tradevolumes
2 ( timeseries_id number(4)
3 , tradedate date
4 , source_id number(4)
5 , volume number(4)
6 , constraint tradevolumes_pk primary key (timeseries_id,tradedate,source_id)
7 ) organization index
8 /
Table created.
SQL> insert into tradevolumes
2 select 1 + mod(level-1,2)
3 , trunc(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(5*mod(trunc((level-1)/2),107),'minute')
4 , ceil(level/(2 * 107))
5 , ceil(dbms_random.value(0,1000))
6 from dual
7 connect by level <= 2 * 107 * 3
8 /
642 rows created.
SQL> delete tradevolumes
2 where ( tradedate
3 between trunc(sysdate) + interval '35' minute
4 and trunc(sysdate) + interval '50' minute
5 or (timeseries_id = 1 and source_id = 3 and volume < 30)
6 or (timeseries_id = 2 and source_id = 2 and tradedate > trunc(sysdate) + interval '20' minute)
7 )
8 /
128 rows deleted.
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'tradevolumes')
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select *
2 from tradevolumes
3 order by timeseries_id
4 , tradedate
5 , source_id
6 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 159
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 333
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 696
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 674
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 932
... skipped a lot of rows here ...
2 12-07-2011 08:45:00 1 136
2 12-07-2011 08:45:00 3 618
2 12-07-2011 08:50:00 1 705
2 12-07-2011 08:50:00 3 106
514 rows selected.
SQL> with all_tradedates as
2 ( select trunc(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(5*(level-1),'minute') tradedate
3 from dual
4 connect by level <= 12
5 )
6 select v.timeseries_id
7 , a.tradedate
8 , v.source_id
9 , v.volume
10 from all_tradedates a
11 left outer join tradevolumes v
12 partition by (v.timeseries_id,v.source_id)
13 on (a.tradedate = v.tradedate)
14 order by v.timeseries_id
15 , a.tradedate
16 , v.source_id
17 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 159
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 333
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 696
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 674
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 932
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 315
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 872
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 778
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 398
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 272
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 239
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 546
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 863
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 839
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 558
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2 576
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 296
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 767
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2 957
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 935
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 398
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2 110
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 629
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 615
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 924
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 526
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 147
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 589
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 779
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 554
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 108
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 9
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 601
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 111
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 526
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 418
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 818
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 578
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 824
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 112
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 649
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 689
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 651
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 641
72 rows selected.
And here the results are good. And when I add the rows for 08:55:00 afterwards:
SQL> insert into tradevolumes
2 select timeseries_id
3 , tradedate + interval '5' minute
4 , source_id
5 , 1000
6 from tradevolumes
7 where tradedate = (select max(tradedate) from tradevolumes)
8 /
4 rows created.
SQL> commit
2 /
Commit complete.
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'tradevolumes')
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> with all_tradedates as
2 ( select trunc(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(5*(level-1),'minute') tradedate
3 from dual
4 connect by level <= 12
5 )
6 select v.timeseries_id
7 , a.tradedate
8 , v.source_id
9 , v.volume
10 from all_tradedates a
11 left outer join tradevolumes v
12 partition by (v.timeseries_id,v.source_id)
13 on (a.tradedate = v.tradedate)
14 order by v.timeseries_id
15 , a.tradedate
16 , v.source_id
17 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 159
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 333
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 696
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 674
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 932
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 315
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 872
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 778
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 398
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 272
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 239
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 546
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 863
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 839
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 558
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2 576
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 296
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 767
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2 957
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 935
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 398
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2 110
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 629
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 615
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 924
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 526
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 147
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 589
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 779
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 554
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 108
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 9
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 601
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 111
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 526
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 418
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 818
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 578
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 824
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 112
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 649
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 689
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 651
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 641
72 rows selected.
And now it works!
And using 108 rows with a regular heap table also isn't a problem:
SQL> drop table tradevolumes purge
2 /
Table dropped.
SQL> create table tradevolumes
2 ( timeseries_id number(4)
3 , tradedate date
4 , source_id number(4)
5 , volume number(4)
6 , constraint tradevolumes_pk primary key (timeseries_id,tradedate,source_id)
7 )
8 /
Table created.
SQL> insert into tradevolumes
2 select 1 + mod(level-1,2)
3 , trunc(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(5*mod(trunc((level-1)/2),108),'minute')
4 , ceil(level/(2 * 108))
5 , ceil(dbms_random.value(0,1000))
6 from dual
7 connect by level <= 2 * 108 * 3
8 /
648 rows created.
SQL> delete tradevolumes
2 where ( tradedate
3 between trunc(sysdate) + interval '35' minute
4 and trunc(sysdate) + interval '50' minute
5 or (timeseries_id = 1 and source_id = 3 and volume < 30)
6 or (timeseries_id = 2 and source_id = 2 and tradedate > trunc(sysdate) + interval '20' minute)
7 )
8 /
126 rows deleted.
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'tradevolumes')
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select *
2 from tradevolumes
3 order by timeseries_id
4 , tradedate
5 , source_id
6 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 200
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 157
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 950
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 707
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 932
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 258
... skipped a lot of rows here ...
2 12-07-2011 08:50:00 1 61
2 12-07-2011 08:50:00 3 974
2 12-07-2011 08:55:00 1 692
2 12-07-2011 08:55:00 3 714
522 rows selected.
SQL> with all_tradedates as
2 ( select trunc(sysdate) + numtodsinterval(5*(level-1),'minute') tradedate
3 from dual
4 connect by level <= 12
5 )
6 select v.timeseries_id
7 , a.tradedate
8 , v.source_id
9 , v.volume
10 from all_tradedates a
11 left outer join tradevolumes v
12 partition by (v.timeseries_id,v.source_id)
13 on (a.tradedate = v.tradedate)
14 order by v.timeseries_id
15 , a.tradedate
16 , v.source_id
17 /
------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 200
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 157
1 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 950
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 707
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 932
1 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 258
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 586
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 193
1 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 753
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 287
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 420
1 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 113
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 971
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 93
1 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 967
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 685
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2 63
1 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 832
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 471
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2 764
1 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 277
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2
1 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 332
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2 909
1 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 873
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 1 865
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 2 982
2 12-07-2011 00:00:00 3 290
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 1 936
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 2 651
2 12-07-2011 00:05:00 3 141
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 1 843
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 2 818
2 12-07-2011 00:10:00 3 218
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 1 85
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 2 530
2 12-07-2011 00:15:00 3 650
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 1 475
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 2 988
2 12-07-2011 00:20:00 3 771
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 1 422
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:25:00 3 48
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 1 88
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:30:00 3 991
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:35:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:40:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:45:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 1
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:50:00 3
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 1 793
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 2
2 12-07-2011 00:55:00 3 601
72 rows selected.
The above was all executed in version and I've also tried it on and I witnessed exactly the same phenomenon there. The only difference is that the boundary value is not 107/108 but 80/81.
I did some more basic investigations regarding space occupation and statistics, but I haven't found a clue so far. I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious. So, if you have some more information about affected versions or the cause, I'd like to know.